Don't be rude in English - Never say these words in the UK
Hello everyone and welcome back to Englishrevisit. Today I am going to give you some words never say them in The UK.
NEVER say these EVERYDAY American words in The UK. The words are: Trump, fanny, randy, and thick.
Okay! Let's begin with Trump: trump to me in British English means a fart , I see a lot of people on Twitter and Facebook say : I love trump , Trump is great! I see what they mean , but in British English I understand I love a fart , a fart is great.
Number 2 is fanny in UAS means your buttocks or female genitals in UK means fanny pack or bum bag , for example, he is very fanny.
Number 3 is randy , in USA is a male name but for me in British English means lustful, full of sexual desire. When you say to me his name is randy I see what you mean but in British English I understand he needs some...loving
The last one is Thick in USA means someone with a full figure , in UK means someone of low intelligence; stupid, example: wow! , your wife is thick , I know what you are trying to say but in British English I understand your wife is stupid.
Right! that is it for today's lesson. I hope you enjoyed! , I hope you learned something!.
I wanna see you for another lesson.