Enrich your English grammar - englishrevisit

1. Are you afraid ______ exams? A) at B) from C) on D) of 2. My friend and I always go to school ______ the bus. A) …
1. Are you afraid ______ exams? A) at B) from C) on D) of 2. My friend and I always go to school ______ the bus. A) …
1. She heard a _______ at the door and went to see who was outside. A) hit B) knock C) lean D) strike E) touch 2. A …
1. We ________ goodbye to them as the train left. A) greeted B) saluted C) saw off D) shook E) waved 2. He will he g…
1. They ________ our team by three goals to one. A) beat B) conquered C) earned D) gained E) won 2. He works at a bi…
1. He was sent to prison for ________ a bank. A) borrowing B) lending C) robbing D) stealing E) taking 2. She bought…
1. ________ is the climate like in your country? A) What B) Which C) Where D) How 2. ________ of these students stu…
MADE FROM VS. MADE OF VS. MADE BY. 1- Use made from when the original materials have been completely changed and cann…
Having VS have 1- I am having = I am actively engaged in doing something. I have = I am in a state of being related …
Appointment vs interview 1-interview = a formal meeting at which people ask you questions to see if you are suitable …
Hello everyone, and welcome back to ENGLISHREVISIT. Today we are going to talk about: 1-In a moment Vs. At the(that)…
1- good-looking adjective Synonym: good-looking, attractive, beautiful, handsome, lovely, pretty Antonym: unattra…
41) wake with a start wake with a start wake suddenly, jump out of bed ► I woke with a star…
1) game for anything game for anything ready to try anything, a game one, gung ho ► If you&…
1) a lot Vs. allot • A lot is two words meaning "much": A lot of bologna was left over fr…
31) dull dull adjective BAD: If I did the same thing every day, I would be dull. GOOD: If …