wake with a start
wake suddenly, jump out of bed
► I woke with a start when Santa Claus landed on our roof.
walk on eggshells
be very careful, on tenterhooks, watch your step
► Your son is so afraid of making a mistake he's walking on eggshells.
waste not, want not
if you do not waste, you will not be needy
► Melinda's motto is Waste Not, Want Not. She's very efficient
what's good for the goose is good for the gander
rules that apply to the wife also apply to the husband, tit for tat
► If you need a holiday, so do I! What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
tit for tat
equal response, an eye for an eye
► Gerry hit Ross. Then Ross hit Gerry, and it was tit for tat.
see eye to eye
agree, have similar views or opinions, on the same wavelength
► Bob and Sue don't see eye to eye on religion. He's an atheist and she's a Christian.
the eye of the storm
the center of the storm, the middle of the storm
► The eye of the storm is directly over Lake Simcoe.
eyes glaze over
eyes express disbelief or "I've heard this before"
► When I told him I'd pay the rent next week, his eyes glazed over.
keep your eyes peeled
look or watch carefully, watch for
► Keep your eyes peeled for birds. Watch for animals, too.
repeat it, write or say the same thing, back at ya, same to you
► "You jerk!" "Ditto!" "You creep!" "Ditto!" "Ditto!" "Double ditto!" "What!"
same here
I feel the same way, I have the same feeling
► "I like reading stories." "Same here."
same to you
I wish the same to you, ditto
► "I hope you have ugly children!" "Same to you!"